How to grow, propagate and flower a Christmas cactus all year round

How to grow, propagate and flower a Christmas cactus all year round
The Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera bridgessii) is cherished for its festive blooms that appear around Christmas. With proper care, you can make it bloom and thrive all year, adding beauty to your home.
1. Growing a Christmas Cactus
Light: Place in bright, indirect light; avoid direct sun.
Temperature: Keep between 60-70°F (15-21°C) during the day, cooler at night.
Humidity: Moderate levels are ideal, especially in growing seasons.
Potting and Soil
Pot: Use a well-draining pot with holes.
Soil: Use well-draining, slightly acidic mix for cacti or African violets.
Seasonal Needs: Keep soil evenly moist in spring to fall.
Winter Care: Reduce watering; only when top inch of soil is dry.
2. Propagating a Christmas Cactus
Stem Cuttings: Use 3-4 inch segments, dry to callus.
Planting: In moist soil or water until roots form.
Optional Rooting Hormone
Dip ends in rooting hormone to speed up root growth.
3. Flowering a Christmas Cactus
Light Needs
Inducing Blooms: Give 12-14 hours darkness at night for 4-6 weeks.
Cool Environment: Maintain 50-55°F (10-13°C) during dark periods.
Blooming Season
Natural Cycle: Typically blooms in late fall to winter.
Extended Blooms: With care, blooms can recur through the year.
Fertilizing: Use balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 4-6 weeks in spring to fall.
Pruning: Remove spent blooms to encourage bushier growth.
Repotting: Every 2-3 years in fresh soil to support root health.

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